Foundations and Endowments
Investment expertise and lived experience underpin our empathy with, and deep understanding of, the unique investment needs of philanthropic organisations and the intricacies of non-profit investing.
Working with charitable Boards and investment committees, Portia Capital develops investment strategies designed to help clients preserve their legacy and confidently deliver on their philanthropic mission over the long term.
We understand the challenges faced:
“66% of non-profits experienced increased demand for their services. Yet, more than 50% of these organizations have had to cut costs due to a lack of funding.”1
About Us
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Who We Advise
Quame autatur si quis quia corerum quiduntis dolectem. Laborpor epelibea dolorempos num imoluptatior maiore, ium aut faccus, explaboitiis que quatibus ut mi, simus consedis.
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Case Study
In 2015 Portia Capital was approached to manage and advise on a Private Community Foundation’s investment and property portfolios. Founded in 1957, this Foundation seeks to support deprived communities situated west of a major southern U.S. city, a city that has historically been economically dependent on the now declining energy industry.
A Message from the President of the Foundation
Our investment objective is to ensure the perpetuity of this foundation, as our city and many of its residents would be in dire straits without its work.
We have appointed a number of investment advisors over the years, with mediocre to average results, with most appearing to prioritize increasing their coffers rather than ours.
We were referred to Miss Michelle Connell at Portia Capital Management over eight years ago and I can say, without reservation, that this has been the best move our foundation has ever made.
Together with her deep professional experience, it was clear from the outset that Miss Connell has a true passion for foundations and their philanthropic missions, as well as a profound understanding of their unique financial requirements. With a very personable hands-on approach her interest in every aspect of our business, not just our investment portfolio, has been enthusiastic and wholehearted.
The sustained returns achieved on our investments through Portia Capital Management have provided us with the confidence to increase our distributions by more than 86% in eight years. We have prospered to the point that we have been able to bless our city with hundreds of thousands of dollars more than we had in the past. I would highly recommend Miss Connell. I believe that she would bring a balance to your investment picture – and financial leadership that few ever experience.
“Working with this Private Foundation has been life- affirming and oftentimes, humbling. I am grateful for the continuing trust placed in me as the guardian of their financial future.”
Please get in touch to schedule a no-obligation review of your financial portfolio.
Quame autatur si quis quia corerum quiduntis dolectem. Laborpor epelibea dolorempos num imoluptatior maiore, ium aut faccus, explaborro comnissin niatiam fugit audani re nus et eum qui viderum alias serion ratqui dolupta tionsen ditiis que quatibus ut mi, simus consedis.